Embedly Test
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut pretium imperdiet erat dictum tristique. In est mauris, viverra a tortor et, elementum consequat erat. Aenean ullamcorper eget orci eget consequat. Maecenas fringilla libero massa, quis sodales justo suscipit a. Mauris consectetur metus est, ut pretium odio viverra nec. Nam sed massa quis nulla mollis pulvinar. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id felis a dui condimentum blandit.
Quis sodales justo
Nullam nec pulvinar
- Mauris at tempor mi, eu bibendum velit.
- Phasellus tincidunt, justo a iaculis pretium, nibh justo.
- Etiam vestibulum dictum purus id hendrerit.
- Aenean bibendum, turpis ut tempor ullamcorper, velit nibh cursus ante, eu placerat massa nulla ac dui.
- To begin the process, Brian conducts 1-2-1 interviews (25 min each) with each member of the team to find out their opinions on the strengths and weaknesses of the last LB preparation (we could combine this with a general training needs analysis - see below) : 1.5 hours
- Brian facilitates a number of preparatory sessions with the team for the LB presentation in April 2022 (recommend approx 4 sessions of 2 hours each): 8 hours
- If requested, Brian has 1-2-1 coaching sessions with individual members of the LT to help them with their preparation for the LB: (To be confirmed)
- Brian prepares a draft of the workflow for future Learning Boards, and the team meets to refine and agree on it. This workflow is shared with the MT: 2.5 hours
TOTAL HOURS: Minimum 12 hours
- The 3-4 weeks prior to the LB
Management Team